Dynamic View Criteria




The Criteria for Views are based on the initial use-case of a student authoring a paper for advisors, external reviewers and the academic community at large. This document covers views in general and focuses on the current development of a ‘Dynamic | View’ in particular.


A ‘View’ simply refers to a visual way of displaying information, inspired by Doug Engelbart's ‘ViewSpec’ term:


“A skilled user will readjust his view to suit immediate needs very quickly and frequently”
Doug Engelbart




The primary information format here is text, with moving and still, 2D and 3D, interactive and passive imagery, music and at some point, haptics integrated.


AR and VR are outside of initial focus but could well provide useful Views in the future.


The core view is the standard scrolling scroll used in Word Processing (‘WP’)  applications. The reason is not only that it is currently the view accepted by academia for a paper and thus connects into current work-flows. It is also that this view provides an efficient use of space and is supportive of long form writing and reading.


Views will therefore need to be able to transform into scrollable text views. A workspace where the primary view can not be transformed into a WP scrollable view is therefore outside of the scope for this project and are covered by other projects such as Debate Graph, The Brain as well as many Mind and Concept Mapping solutions.





  • Any view will need to be able to transform into regular word processor views
  • Any view must not interfere with other views, including future views
  • All views must be instantly available, technically and interaction wise
  • The visual clarity of the view should not be sacrificed for clumsy functionality
  • Interactions should be manual as well as criteria and command based